Greifswalder Zeitung

Samstag 30 September 2006


Experten fachsimpeln über historische Rechenmaschinen


Eine Computerfestplatte von Telefunken
Eine Computerfestplatte von Telefunken (An old hard disk Telefunken)


Greifswald (ddp). Mit der Entwicklung der ersten mechanischen Rechenmaschinen befassen sich seit gestern Mathematiker und Sammler auf einem internationalen Fachsymposium an der Greifswalder Universität. Mehr als 60 Experten aus Australien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Großbritannien, Italien, Luxemburg, den Niederlanden und der Schweiz wollen während des dreitägigen Treffens über neue Erkenntnisse zum Bau wertvoller, dosenförmiger Rechenmaschinen, über die Geschichte von mathematischen Spielzeugen sowie über die Entwicklung der ersten Rechencomputer berichten. Im Mittelpunkt des bereits zum dritten Mal organisierten Treffens steht eine Tauschbörse, bei der vor allem historische Rechenschiebermodelle ihre Besitzer wechseln sollen. Zugleich öffnet das Institut für Mathematik und Informatik in Greifswald seine in Norddeutschland einzigartige Ausstellung mit mehr als 1000 Exponaten mit einem geschätzten Wert von weit über einer Million Euro. Vom Abakus-Rechenbrett bis zum 1938 von Konrad Zuse entwickelten Zuse-Rechner, der ersten programmgesteuerten Rechenanlage, reicht das Greifswalder Rechner-Repertoire.

Praktikant Roman Meissner (18) präsentiert im Greifswalder Institut für Mathematik und Informatik eine Computerfestplatte von Telefunken.

Ostsee Zeitung - Greifswald Zeitung 30-09-2006

"Ernst Moritz Arndt" Universität Greifswald
Institut für Mathematik und Informatik
Rechentechnische Sammlung

3. Greifswalder Symposium zur Entwicklung der Rechentechnik und
12. Internationales Treffen für Rechenschieber - und Rechenmaschinensammler IM2006

vom 28.09. - 01.10.2006 an der "Ernst Moritz Arndt" Universität Greifswald - Deutschland

Wissen lockt - 550 Jahre Universität Greifswald

www.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de - IM2006 - Programm

www.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de - IM2006 - Teilnehmer

Bilder vom IM2006 - Pictures of IM2006 - Immagini del IM2006



Giovanni Pastore
Tecnologia e scienza del calcolatore astronomico dei Greci
Istruzioni per l’uso dei regoli calcolatori logaritmici matematici, cemento armato e speciali, con numerosi esempi di calcolo


© Copyright 2006 - Giovanni Pastore, Italy - All rights reserved – Any partly or total reproduction is forbidden. Antikythera e i regoli calcolatori by Giovanni Pastore was printed in Rome on February 2006 and it is protected by the current civil and criminal law on copyright.
This work is the result of more than six years of researches and personal efforts, aimed to rediscover a huge scientific legacy, unknown to the new generations of engineers, mathematicians and technicians.

This book, written in Italian, in a smart typographic form, A4 size (30x22x6 cm), in colour, XVI-990 pages, ISBN 9788890471513, it is not distributed through bookshops. If you are interested, you may order your copies directly from the author, at the address given below: act fast because not many copies are left! Shipping costs outside Italy (international express courier) will be quoted upon request, depending on destination.



Giovanni PastoreL’autore:

The author:
Giovanni Pastore (Rotondella - Basilicata, Italy), received his degree with full marks in Mechanical Engineering at Turin Polytechnic University. Even before graduating he was offered a contract at Fiat Mirafiori in Turin, where for the many years he worked at the automotive design office, dealing with structural calculations.
He was a reserve officer with the
Army Corps of Engineers at the plant of ex-combat vehicles STAVECO at Nola (Naples, Italy), appointed with the task of the revision and testing of tanks (Leopard and M113). Some years later he was recalled to duty, at the same plant, for technical updates and degree advancements.
He has lived and worked in Policoro (Basilicata, Italy), where he works as a freelance engineer and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at several Italian universities.
He has published numerous scientific articles and books: Gli infortuni domestici. Come prevenirli (ISBN 9788890471506), Antikythera e i regoli calcolatori (ISBN 9788890471513), Il Planetario di Archimede ritrovato (ISBN 9788890471520), Pitagora nel mondo contemporaneo. Influenze della filosofia scientifica pitagorica nel mondo moderno e contemporaneo (ISBN 9788890471537) and The Recovered Archimedes Planetarium (ISBN 9788890471544).
He wrote in Il Sole 24 Ore
, L’Unione Sarda, La Stampa, Corriere della Sera, Davlos (translated into Greek by Yannis Lazaris), Mathesis, Advances in Space Research, Ancient Origins, Il Quotidiano del Sud, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno.



For more information please contact:

75025 POLICORO (Matera) 

E-MAIL: info@giovannipastore.it



Book by Giovanni Pastore
Science, technology, history, literature and archaeology, certainty and conjecture on the most ancient and extraordinary astronomical calculating device. With two other scientific studies: on the Antikythera Planetarium and the Pitcher of Ripacandida.
With the appendix:
Pythagoras in the contemporary world. Influences of Pythagorean scientific philosophy in the modern and contemporary world.
Summary in: English - Italiano - Ελληνικά - 日本語 - Español - Français - Português - Deutsch - Tiếng Việt
(The book is written in English, ISBN  9788890471544)



Libro di Giovanni Pastore
Scienza, tecnologia, storia, letteratura e archeologia, certezze e congetture sul più antico e straordinario calcolatore astronomico
Con altri due studi scientifici:
sul Planetario di Antikythera e sulla Brocchetta di Ripacandida
Summary in: Italiano - English - Ελληνικά - 日本語 - Español - Français - Português - Deutsch - Tiếng Việt
(Il libro è scritto in Italiano, ISBN  9788890471520)



  Italian and English version 



Alla pagina web del libro di Giovanni Pastore
Come prevenirli



(alla versione italiana)


(to the english version)     (à la version française)     (Zur Deutsche Version)


(a la version española)     (Versão em Português - Brasileiro)     (In versiunea romaneasca)


(日本語版へ - to the japanese version)


(中文版 - to the chinese version)




Copyright © 2001-2024 by Giovanni Pastore